July Publisher’s Letter
As always, there is a lot in Western New York that needs our attention. We need more affordable housing, less food scarcity, greater access to healthcare, especially for individuals and families who receive Medicaid insurance. We have a never-ending to-do list.
However, there is also so much for which we should be proud and thankful. Despite the challenges, there is no question that we are seeing a resurgence and vibrancy of hope. From the love for our sports teams, to our great architecture, fabulous waterfront, unique festivals, farmers’ markets, beautiful gardens, museums, including the grand reopening of the AKG, theatre, and more.
I am constantly reading about our amazing biomedical corridor and the cutting-edge research taking place at UB, the Jacobs Institute, and Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Care. We can’t forget our Innovation Hub, UB’s Blackstone Launchpad, the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, and Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences. Buffalo is indeed an innovation hotspot! I also appreciate the efforts of many of our local foundations in supporting the efforts of our non-profit organizations.
But beyond all of this, there is so much more focus on making improvements to the lives of those who have been ignored for so long. Yes, this month is BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month, but the increased attention to minority health, DEI, Pride, food scarcity, opioids, and building stronger bridges toward understanding with one another has been inspiring.
Summer is such an expansive and uplifting time, and it’s great to experience it in Western New York.