Alzheimer’s ReCognition Study to Slow Alzheimer’s. Study using a drug to help promote better sleep and improve cognitive function for people between 60-85 years of age with mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease, Compensation, 716-898-4038.
Alzheimer’s Vaccine Study. The A4 trial (Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease) is the first trial that will give an amyloid vaccine to subjects before they show symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Volunteers over age 65 will be screened with memory questionnaires and undergo a PET scan to see if they have signs of amyloid developing. If they do, they can enter the trial. Participants will randomly receive either the investigational drug or placebo while they are monitored for three years. DENT is one of only 60 sites around the world seeking a way to slow, or even prevent Alzheimer’s disease. DENT is currently involved in several other studies combating Alzheimer’s. Trial participants will help us learn whether we can potentially slow the effects of Alzheimer’s disease or even possibly prevent the disease, and will also be compensated for their time and travel. For more information, please contact Dr. Michelle Rainka at 716-250-2038.
AIDS Community Services Volunteers to run errands for clients with AIDS, such as grocery shopping, medical appointments, Contact Eugene 332-2268.
Amateur and Professional Performers and Musical Groups
Volunteer time and talent to entertain Roswell Park Cancer Institute patients, 10 am to 2 pm M – F, Call 1-877-275-7724.
American Red Cross Volunteers to assist in recruiting Apheresis blood donors in WNY. Educate potential donors about the benefits of Apheresis blood donations, including platelets, plasma, and double red cell donations, and filling out donation scheduling appointment cards at various blood drives in the Buffalo area. Call Mylinda McCrady at (716) 878-2028 or
Adult or Student Volunteers, Flexible Hours, for patient liaisons, escort service, guest relations and gift shop volunteers, 859-2603 or Volunteer Opportunities.
Big Brothers Big Sister of Erie County
Volunteers are needed for one-on-one mentoring relationships with children ages 6-16. Volunteers welcome from high school students to senior citizens. Contact 873-5833.
Big Brothers Big Sister of Niagara County
Adult men and women are needed as role models for in-risk youth, 7-15 years of age. Contact: Heather Cahill at 434-1855. Email,
Buffalo General Medical Center
Adult or Student Volunteers, Flexible Hours, for patient liaisons, escort service, guest relations and gift shop volunteers, 859-2603 or Volunteer Opportunities.
Central Referral Services
Volunteers to answer our community hotline. If you are interested in helping others, please call 851-5413 for more information.
Compass House
Volunteers to help runaway and homeless youth. Must be a caring individual over 21 years of age. Many opportunities available. Contact 886-1351.
Compeer Niagara
Adult and youth volunteers for adults or children with mental health diagnosis. Volunteers are supportive friends or mentors. Spend about 4 hours per month together. Ongoing supervision and monthly programs are provided. Call 716-433-3780 or visit
Crisis Services Advocate Progam
Seeking women and men to help provide immediate crisis intervention and support to victims of physical and sexual violence. Extensive training is provided. Contact 834-2310 Ext. 123, or
Children’s Headaches. If your child has been dealing with frequent painful headaches call to participate in a clinical trial at DENT using Botox. To learn more about the Botox clinical trial for children ages 12-17, call Melissa Fuller, Research Coordinator at 716-250-2000. All study participants will receive compensation for their time and travel, and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Cigarette Smokers Needed for Roswell Electronic Cigarette Study. Participation involves visits to try different electronic cigarettes and provide blood samples, Participants will receive $540 for seven visits, Call 887-9800 and ask for the ENDS study.
Dental Medicine. Metallic Taste in Your Mouth? University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine is looking for males and females between the ages of 18-75 who have a metallic taste in their mouth related to their therapy (i.e. chemotherapy, radiation, and other medications). You may be eligible to participate in a research study involving a novel mouthrinse that may improve the taste in your mouth. Eligible participants will be compensated. The study is being conducted under the direction of Dr. Sebastian G. Ciancio. For more information and to be screened for the study please contact Michele or Sandy at 716-829-2885.
Dementia Respite Program
Hearts and Hands and the C. Dee Wright Community Center of Akron are partnering on the creation of a Dementia Respite program to begin operating in Fall 2015. “Dementia Respite at the Wright” seeks to support those caring for loved ones with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia by providing an engaging, safe and friendly environment to leave their loved one while taking care of their own medical, social, and emotional needs. Hosted by the Wright Center, 11 Church Street in the village of Akron, participants will be able to attend the program the 3rd Friday of every month 1pm-5pm. Hearts and Hands is currently looking for volunteers interested in participating in this program as a direct, meaningful, once a month volunteer opportunity. A one-time training offered from the Alzheimer’s Association and Hearts and Hands, which will provide the tools to engage and care for an individual with dementia, is the first step to begin this meaningful experience. Your time and compassion can mean the world and health of a caregiver. To obtain more information regarding this program, please contact Amanda at Hearts and Hands (716) 406-8311 ext. 105, e-mail or Judy at the C. Dee Wright Center (716) 491-2909, e-mail
Hot Flashes and Night Sweats. Dr. Wild of Upstate Clinical Research Associates, LLC in Williamsville is accepting patients to participate in the Replenish Trial, a medical research study. You must be female between the ages of 40-65 and have not had a hysterectomy. Participants receive study-related medical exams, investigational study medications, and lab services no cost — no insurance needed, Compensation for time, travel and related-expenses. Call 855.388.8583 or visit
Kids Escaping Drugs
Volunteers needed in summer. Call 716-827-9462.
Lessons are weekdays and Saturdays at various times throughout each day and evening. We ask volunteers to commit to a weekly schedule for a 4-6 week period and attend training and orientation, 716-655-1335 or email
Lutheran Church Home in Buffalo
Volunteers age 16 and older to help in various ways including assistance with activities and projects, maintenance, and sharing hobbies and interests. For details, call (716) 886-4377, ext 365.
Migraines. Finding the right therapy can be difficult. If you have a history of migraines for the past 12 months and have had 4-14 migraines per month for the past three months you may qualify to participate in a research study of an investigational new drug to see if it can help prevent your Migraine Headaches before they start. If you qualify you will receive all study related exams and the investigational drug free of charge. You will also be compensated for your time and travel. For information call Upstate Clinical Research Associates at 716-626-6320.
Niagara Hospice
Opportunities include patient related and non-patient related jobs. Volunteers are needed to assist in music & pet visits with patients, deliver supplies, help with mailings, office work or just read or sit with a patient while the caregiver takes a well deserved break. High school teens are also needed to produce Legacy Videos for hospice patients. All volunteers are provided a complete, free training and one of the most rewarding experiences they may ever have. For more info call 280-0748 or visit,
Niagara Frontier Radio Reading Service
Volunteers needed to record readings of books, magazines and newspapers, and to do two-person “live” readings of daily newspapers. Typical volunteers come in for approximately 90 minutes to record a one-hour reading. There is no minimum requirement of volunteer hours. Call 821-5555.
Second Chance Animal Rescue
Volunteers to assist with fundraising activities, animal (mainly cat) maintenance and socialization at showcasing locations (e.g. Petsmart, Petco), and foster homes. 716-652-6051 or
UBMD Clinical Trials. For a list of clinical trials click here.
United Church Manor
Volunteers to assist with lunch program minor preparation, serving, and clean-up of a noon-day meal at a boxed-lunch site in the West Seneca/Cheektowaga area. If you can give as little as two hours of your time and enjoy working with seniors, please call 668-5804 for additional information.
Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo
Volunteers needed to assist with office work, keeping our website up to date and occasional special events, Contact Phil Haberstro at 851-4052.
Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo
Volunteers needed to assist with office work, keeping our website up to date and occasional special events, Contact Phil Haberstro at 851-4052.
Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo
Volunteers needed to assist with office work, keeping our website up to date and occasional special events, Contact Phil Haberstro at 851-4052.
Contact us if you would like your organization listed.