Alcoholics Anonymous First Step Group, Fridays 8 to 9 p.m., Memorial Medical Center Auditorium, 621 10th St, Niagara Falls, NY.
Al-Anon Meeting, 11:00am Thursdays, Kenmore Alliance Church, Room 505, 175 Bonnet Ave, Tonawanda.
Alcoholics Anonymous New International Group, Saturdays, 6:30 p.m., Memorial Medical Center Auditorium, 621 10th St., Niagara Falls, NY.
Alzheimer’s For more information on: Support Groups, Respite Services, Education & Training and Memory Wellness Programs please call the WNY Chapter at (716)626-0600.
Amyloidosis Support Group, Ongoing Various Dates, Patients, Caregivers, Family, Interested Medical Personnel are welcome. RSVP’s appreciated. Contact: Muriel Finkel muriel@finkelsupply.com Toll Free: 866-404-7539 or Maryann Kraft: thumbelianmk@yahoo.com 585-334-7501, Amyloidosis is a potentially fatal disease caused by the production and build up of abnormal proteins leading to organ failure, For more info: www.amyloidosissupport.co
Amputee Support Group at VA Western New York Healthcare System. Meet last Friday of each month for veterans who have lost a limb or limbs to come together to discuss resources available, Contact Rich Jones at 862-7350.
Asthma, information referral & resource, nurse-coordinator will answer asthma questions, 9 am-5 pm, Monday-Friday, Call 213-2100 or 1-888-799-7100.
Bereaved Parents of The USA WNY Chapter Loss of child any age for parents and grandparents, siblings, Meeting second Friday of month 7:30 PM at Life Transition Center 150 Bennett Road Cheektowaga, NY Call Tony Or Bernie 716-675-3844
Blood Pressure Screenings, offered by Olean General Hospital In the Health Services Center at 500 Main Street Last Monday of each month (except Nov., noon to 1pm, Open to the public.
Brain Injuries, Support group meetings second Thursday of each month, Third floor, Room 301, 6:30—8:00 p.m. at Veterans Hospital, 3495 Bailey Ave, Buffalo, NY. For more information call Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, 862-7344 or Headway, 629-3636.
Brain Injuries and Other Disabilities, Headway of Western New York, 976 Delaware Ave, Lower Level, Buffalo, NY 14209, (716)629-3633, meet at Delaware location – PEER Support 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month 6:30-8pm; Caregivers Support 1st Tuesday of the month 6:30-8pm; Life Support 1st Tuesday of each month 1pm-2:30pm, 629-3633.
Brain Aneurysm Support Group Educating, promoting & supporting brain aneurysm patients and their families. Meetings 3rd (third) Thursday of each month at Millard Suburban Hospital, 1540 Maple Road, Williamsville, NY. 6:30 – 8:00pm in the Board room on the lower level. Find out more information at bafound.org or email wnybafound@gmail.com.
Brain Tumor Support Group-3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm, Dent Institute, 1st floor, 3980 Sheridan Dr., Amherst. Info: 822-2261, and 1st Wednesday each month at 6:30 pm at Sterling Medical Center, 200 Sterling Drive, Orchard Park, Info: 824-1761 after 4 pm.
Breast Cancer Network Of WNY – Ongoing Breast Cancer Network Events, Educational Seminars, second Tuesday of the month @6pm; Support Groups second Tuesday @ 8pm, first Wednesday @11am, and third Wednesday @7pm; Support Group for Young Survivors first Tuesday @7pm; Support Group for Those Living With Metastatic Disease, Tuesdays @ noon, twice monthly; Restorative Health & Exercise Classes, Tai Chi, Mondays @11am; Yoga, Mondays @6pm, Fridays @10:30am; Zumba, Tuesdays @6pm; Exercise, Friday @9am, Art, Thursdays @6:30pm; Classes are free to members, or $20 for each 13 week session for non-members, All events at Bella Moglie Building, 3297 Walden Ave., Depew, NY 14043, For more information email info@bcnwny.org or call 706-0060
Breastfeeding, Join the first Baby Cafe’ in the WNY area! Catholic Health’s Baby Cafes offer a relaxing place to receive free support and information about breastfeeding facilitated by an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. All Cafes are FREE of charge, and dads and families are always welcome. Call 862-1939 or visit WomenCareWNY.org for more info. Every Tuesday, 11am – 1pm, Piver Center for Women’s Health (next to Sisters Hospital), 2121 Main St, Buffalo, Thursdays 11am-1pm, OLV Senior Neighborhood, 55 Melroy Ave, Lackawanna.
Breastfeeding, Meetings at Family Chiropractic located at 4017 Harlem Road in Synder (at the corner of Harlem & Saratoga). Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7pm, You do not need to be a member or attend LLL meetings if you have breastfeeding questions or need help with breastfeeding, Mary Alice Garlipp at breastmilk_is_best@adelphia.net or 716-208-7234 with questions and www.lllusa.org/NYE/Erie/erie.HTM
Best things to do weekends: http://stepoutbuffalo.com/best-things-to-do-this-weekend-in-wny/
Cancer Coach Program provides support to those facing cancer diagnosis from individuals who’ve been there, 694-1395.
Caregivers Support, It is estimated that 85% of all care to the frail and disabled in this county is provided by family and friends. Often caregivers need someone to answer questions or guide them through the maze of services that may help them. There are classes and seminars, transportation options and safe driving assistance, support groups, and much more to help you better face the demands and challenges of caregiving – call 858-8526.
Childbirth Classes, Choose a 4-week evening session on Wed. or Thursday at 7:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. OR One full-time Saturday from 8am – 4pm registration, call (716) 375-6330.
Co-Dependents Anonymous, 7:30pm – 9pm, Tuesdays, Trinity Old Lutheran Church, 3445 Sheridan Drive in Eggertsville. Use the side entrance. The meeting room is downstairs. 9:00 p.m., a fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. At meetings, we share our experience, strength, and hope in our program of recovery. www.coda.org
Co-Dependents Anonymous meetings, a group that deals with improving relationships. 7-8 pm Sundays. Brylin Hospital, 4th floor, Delaware Ave, Buffalo
Crisis Hotline, 1-800-339-5209 Offered by Olean General Hospital Behavioral Health Professionals.
Crohn’s Support for Teens, a place where you can learn and connect with other teens who share their stories and experiences. 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6:00-7:30 at the Children’s Hospital Board Room. Call 362.1232 for more information.
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America Adult Support Group, monthly support groups offer important information about coping with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and provide a community of support for individuals and their loved ones, 4th Tuesday of the month from 7:30-9 at the DENT Tower 3980 Sheridan Drive. Call 362.1232 for more information.
Catholic Health Events: http://blog.chsbuffalo.org/category/events-classes
Deaconess Family Planning Center, a confidential clinic providing reproductive health services, sliding scale fee, 887-8272.
Diabetes support, Olean General Hospital Education Center 515 Main Street Third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. For info. call (716) 375-4127
Diabetes Support Group, Last Wednesday of the Month, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm | Free for those diagnosed with diabetes and their friends/family. Also, those who want to learn more about diabetes are welcome to join! Contact Jamie K. Lanier, 716-241-9858, jamieklanier@icloud.com, ECMC Ambulatory Care Center, Building B, Floor 3, 462 Grider St , Buffalo, NY 14215.
Divorce Support Group, Baker Memorial United Methodist Church 345 Main St E Aurora, Mondays 6:30-8:30pm, 652-4627 or divorcecare.org.
Exercise Classes, TRX Trek Saturdays, 11:15am, This face paced class includes powerful core TRX Suspension training exercises with timed interval cardio drills. This class is guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping so you burn mega calories while you are engaging in a fun body conditioning class! No more boring cardio sessions for you! 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Variety HIIT Saturdays, 10am, Every Saturday – Alternate periods of extremely high-intensity exercises with short rest periods which consist of strength based movements using body of free weights. This class will require that you push yourself as hard as you can having limited recovery. We will move! 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Operation Bootcamp Saturdays, 10am, The Blitz Force Bootcamp includes elements from each of our Military branches; it is designed to be an intense full body workout that focuses on building core strength and muscle while improving agility and testing your limits. To be included with the use of dumbbells, power racks and TRX we will be utilizing weighted ammunition cans, tractor tires and MMA movements to elevate the workouts to a new level. Blitz Force also uses its members to add a key element in successful missions teamwork. This element is also found in obstacle and mud runs, so bring a battle buddy and experience our unique team based exercises. Although this is an intense bootcamp modifiers can be utilized to allow all fitness levels to participate, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Blitz Body, Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, 9am-10am, Achieve great results in a limited amount of time. If you’re having trouble finding space in your schedule for a daily workout, our Blitz Body Boot Camp combines strength training, cardiovascular programs, and nutritional guidance. We give you a fast-paced workout so you can achieve maximum results in minimum time, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Operation Boot Camp Tuesdays, 6:15-7:25pm, Every Tuesday! The Blitz Force Bootcamp includes elements from each of our Military branches; it is designed to be an intense full body workout that focuses on building core strength and muscle while improving agility and testing your limits. To be included with the use of dumbbells, power racks and TRX we will be utilizing weighted ammunition cans, tractor tires and MMA movements to elevate the workouts to a new level. Blitz Force also uses its members to add a key element in successful missions teamwork. This element is also found in obstacle and mud runs, so bring a battle buddy and experience our unique team based exercises. Although this is an intense bootcamp modifiers can be utilized to allow all fitness levels to participate, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Abs with Adam Tuesdays 7:15 – 7:45 pm, A great cardio workout combined with an intense abdominal sequence and stretching segment all in 30 minutes! Blast your core with various exercises that focus on upper abs, lower abs, and obliques. This class is a sure way to enhance and strengthen your core as well as overall athletic stability, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Trek Tuesdays, 7:15-8pm, ongoing and first class free, This face paced class includes powerful core TRX Suspension training exercises with timed interval cardio drills. This class is guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping so you burn mega calories while you are engaging in a fun body conditioning class! No more boring cardio sessions for you! 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes: Operation Boot Camp Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm, Every Thursday – The Blitz Force Bootcamp includes elements from each of our Military branches; it is designed to be an intense full body workout that focueses on building core strenth and muscle while improving agility and testing your limits. To be included with the use of dumbbells, power racks and TRX we will be utilizing weighted ammunition cans, tractor tires and MMA movements to elevate the workouts to a new level. Blitz Force also uses its members to add a key element in successful missions teamwork. This element is also found in obstacle and mud runs, so bring a battle buddy and experience our unique team based exercises. Although this is a n intense bootcamp modifiers can be utilized to allow all fitness levels to participate, Jada Blitz, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, Call 716-568-9057 or eguize.jadablitz@gmail.com, http://jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes: Variety HIIT, Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm, Alternate periods of extremely high-intensity exercises with short rest periods which consist of strength based movements using body of free weights. This class will require that you push yourself as hard as you can having limited recovery. We will move! Jada Blitz, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com, eguize.jadablitz@gmail.com.
Food Stamps, Enrollment and education, Catholic Charities, Tuesdays 10am-1pm, Children’s Clinic at St. Lawrence Church, 1520 East Delevan Avenue, Buffalo 856-4494.
Fitness Events: http://stepoutbuffalo.com/health-fitness/
Grief Support Group, Dengler & Roberts Funeral Homes – meets 2pm-3:30pm 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Pine Lawn Chapel, 2951 Harlem Rd, Cheektowaga, NY All are welcome. Info 873-7825
Health Insurance – Medicaid, Child and Family Health, Tuesdays 10am to 1 pm at the Children’s Clinic at St Lawrence Church, 1520 East Delavan Ave, Buffalo, 716-564-3630 Ext 22530.
Heart Patients Support Group, The Mended Heart, a support group giving hope and encouragement to heart patients and their families, 2nd Saturdays from Sept – June at Vets Hospital, 1pm in room 1109, 634-3631.
Hepatitis and Liver Disorders Support Group, at ECC North Campus, Williamsville. Every 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30pm -8pm. Building S, Dental Hygiene Conference Room. Call 1(877)716-3850 for more information
HIV free 20 minute testing, AIDS Community Services, 206 South Elmwood Ave, call 716-847-AIDS(2437)
HIV and AIDS Support Groups, HIV positive gay/bisexual men; Friends & family members; Gay/bisexual prevention group; Women’s group, 881-4612.
Kenmore Kindness is a neighborhood outreach program offering a free dinner, free gently-used clothing (in our Clothing Closet), free homework help, youth activities and prayer support. Everyone welcome. Kenmore Kindness meets year-round on Wednesday evenings from 6-8 P.M. at Buffalo Covenant Church, 786 Kenmore Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14216. 716-835-1794. For more information, please visit www.buffalocovenant.net.
Kidney Foundation Support Groups, Every Third Wednesday monthly, Erie County Medical Center, 462 Grider St., Buffalo 14215, Third Floor Conference Room C., 6 pm, Call 553-6055 or 512-7919.
Kaleida Health Events: https://www.kaleidahealth.org/events/
Memory Care Support Groups 2016 The McGuire Group’s Harris Hill Nursing Facility, 2699 Wehrle Drive, Williamsville will be hosting a new support group for the 2016 year. Two groups will be held on Wednesday, January 13th at Harris Hill Nursing Facility in Lancaster. A NEW wives support group will be held at 3 pm, and a daughter’s support group will be held at 5 pm. There will no longer be a general support group at Harris Hill. The support groups are held on the second Wednesday of every month and are hosted by memory care professionals from The McGuire Group. The groups are a great way to share caregiving tips and coping mechanisms with others who are experiencing similar situations while caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. For more information, contact Sarah Pietrowski at 632-3700. Information can also be found at www.mcguiregroup.com in the support groups section.
Mental Health, R.E.A.C.H., support group for family members with loved one suffering with mental illness, 2nd Monday each month 7pm Elderwood Village, 5271 Main St., Williamsville, 901-1696.
Mental Health Association in Niagara County, Inc. provides a support group for those dealing with anxiety and depression at DeGraff Hospital in North Tonawanda. The group meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and is free of charge. For more information contact the Mental Health Association at 716-433-3780. A grief support group begins December 9th, 2021 at its office located at 36 Pine Street in Lockport, NY. The group will meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 4:30pm. Interested participants can call 716-255-0334 to register or learn more.
Mental Health, REACH Support Group for family & friends of individuals with mental illness or neurological disorders. Meetings 7 pm every 4th Tuesday, St. Andrew’s RC Church, Sheridan Dr. & Elmwood Ave, Tonawanda, 886-1242.
Mitochondrial Disease Support Group, Every third Thursday monthly, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm | Free, Williamsville United Methodist Church located at 5681 Main Street, Williamsville, NY 14221. Please join us for this opportunity to network with other individuals/families affected by Mitochondrial Disease. For more information please contact Linda Roesch at 716-681-8662 or mito_linda@yahoo.com, www.umdf.org.
Narcotics Anonymous, Sundays 5 to 7 p.m., Tuesdays 7-9pm, Memorial Medical Center Auditorium, 621 10th St.
Overeaters Anonymous– 6:30 pm Mondays at Grace Church, 174 Cazenovia St., Bflo.
Pain, Chronic Pain Support Group every 3rd Thursday of the month at Dr. Matteliano’s Office located at 235 North Street, Lower Level, Buffalo, NY 14201, from 5pm-6pm.
Parenting, Ready, Parents of infants and toddlers are encouraged to jump start their baby smarts by enrolling in a free parenting workshop series offered by Ready, Set, Parent! Workshop topics cover Tuning in to Your Child, Infant Sleep and Nutrition, Safety in the Home and Childhood Illnesses, Learning through Play, Establishing Routines, Setting Limits, Coping with Stress & Helping Your Child to Cope and Promoting Literacy. Ready, Set, Parent! which is a collaboration of EPIC (Every Person Influences Children) and Baker Victory Services, helps to build the confidence every parent needs to raise a happy, healthy child. For more information please call 332-4153 or visit www.epicforchildren.org
Parkinsons Disease, Dance for Life for those with Parkinson’s Thursdays, 1:30-2:45 pm at Performing Arts Dance Academy in Hamburg, 206 Lake St, Hamburg, NY 14075.
Parkinsons Disease, The Northtown Parkinson’s Support Group meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30pm at Congregation Shir Shalom, 4660 Sheridan Drive, Williamsville. For additional information call 689-1559.
Parkinson Disease Support Group Meetings Every Third Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm, The National Parkinson Foundation Western New York (NPFWNY) John’s Lutheran Church, 3512 Clinton Street, West Seneca. For more information call (716) 449-3795.
Parkinson’s Support Group Third Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm at st John evangelical Lutheran church 3512 Clinton st west Seneca ny 14224 contact Rick Cornell at 716-674-3287
Project Runway Weekly Peer Group Meetings, Thursdays 11 am to 12 noon, Mary C. Dyster Community Education Room, Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center, 621 10th St., Niagara Falls, NY
Prostate Cancer support group, 716-844-5585, second Wednesday of every month from 6pm-8pm, in Harlem Professional Parks Lobby, 3085 Harlem Road, Cheektowaga, Refreshments.
Prostate Cancer US TOO, St. Joseph’s Hospital, third Tuesday of each month. For information, contact Bill Krellner-Chapter Leader at racer3232@verizon.net or at 716-836-4761. Also Buffalo Veterans Medical Center, 3495 Bailey Avenue, Buffalo 14215 on first Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in room 301. Call Bill Kreiner at 716-836-4761 with questions or racer3232@verizon.net.
Schizophrenia Support Group (Grace Group), for those being treated for schizophrenia & schizo-affective mental health issues, meets Mondays at 7 pm, Mental Health Assn., 999 Delaware Ave., Bflo., Info: 886-9942
Senior Care, Complete Senior Care is a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) servicing nursing-home eligible Niagara County residents who want to remain living in the community. Call 716-285-8248 or email mcauliffe@completeseniorcare.org for more information.
Seniors, Stretch your Grocery Dollar! Stay Fit Dining offers Seniors Over 60 a hot and nutritious lunch for only $2.50 confidential donation (no one is refused due to inability to pay). Food Stamps and EBT may be accepted too. There are 45 sites throughout Erie County every weekday- Call 858-7639 for a location convenient to you or more info! Enjoy the company of friends in your neighborhood, great menus, healthy diet tips from dieticians, and connection to other helpful services if desired.
Seniors help with health insurance. Do you know someone who’s recently lost their health insurance? Have questions about your own health insurance? Do all the options have you confused about what coverage is really best for you? Erie County Senior Services’ Insurance Resource Center offers FREE assistance and information on Medicare, prescription, Extra Help, PPOs, HMOs and all the other aspects of long term care planning and health insurance, especially local plans and resources. Call 858-7883 for FREE and unbiased help today, or many resources are on-line at www.erie.gov/insuranceresourcecenter
Seniors University Express is specially-designed to bring college-level type courses to older adults, in the comfort and convenience of community centers near you. The new semester starts late March/early April, but if you call 858-7548, they’ll send you the schedule when finalized, or visit erie.gov/rsvp . Classes are very low cost registration, or even free of cost, and instructors are usually retired themselves but sharing their expertise.
Senior Services knows about eligibility criteria for benefit and entitlement programs that may help to save you money. You may be eligible / wish to participate in Food Stamps, HEAP, phone discounts, or property tax rebates, and many, many more programs. Call 858-8526 and ask for a Benefit Checklist or visit erie.gov/depts/seniorservices
Seniors Long Term Care. There’s more to long term care than just nursing homes (which cost upwards of $90,000 per year in WNY). Erie County NY Connects at 858-8526 can help you learn more about services in our area for people of all ages. For children, adults, or seniors having problems with aspects of everyday living, experts can review your personal situation and discuss all the options for solutions. Planning may ensure you have more choices. Go to erie.gov/nyconnects for more information.
Sing for Health, Feel good by singing with the Friends of Harmony male chorus. Rehearsals 7:30pm Tuesday evenings at the SE Works Center, 181 Lincoln St, Depew, For more information call 876-7233
Stuttering, Meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 7 to 9pm, University of Buffalo’s Amherst campus in 280 Park Hall. Contact: Adrian at: mcadory.adrian@gmail.com.
Transplant Support Group of WNY, monthly meeting 7-9 pm, 3rd Tues of each month. Walden Galleria Community Room, 685-4799 or 675-0748.
TRX Trek Classes, Every Wednesday 6:15-7:15 am, Jada Blitz, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 568-9057, eguize.jadablitz@gmail.com, www.jadablitz.com. Are you ready for a fun challenge? This face paced class includes powerful core TRX Suspension training exercises with timed interval cardio drills. This class is guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping so you burn mega calories while you are engaging in a fun body conditioning class! No more boring cardio sessions for you!
Things to do this month: http://stepoutbuffalo.com/things-month-buffalo/
VA Wellness Programs – VA Healthcare Network Upstate NY is dedicated to improving the health of our veterans. Stress Management Program, 716-862-8595 Diabetes Management 716-862-8844; Understanding your medications 716-862-8881 or 716-862-3223; Dementia Care 716-862-3237.
Vaccines for uninsured children, walk in Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 am to Noon at the Children’s Clinic at St. Lawrence, Church, 1520 East Delavan Ave, Buffalo, NY 14215, $5 to $7.50 per shot, Franciscan Guest House (behind the church/ school bldgs). Questions call (716) 308-6302
Vaccines, free child immunization/private pay adult immunization clinics 9-11am, 3rd Tuesday each month, Niagara County Health Dept., Lockport, 278-1903.
Weight Loss – TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at the Northwest Buffalo Community Center, 155 Lawn Ave. Buffalo, NY, Please contact Kathy at: 877-2915 for further information.
Wellness Walks, at Tifft Nature Preserve, Enjoy the fresh air and the sights and sounds of the season with a guided outdoor walk at a casual pace on our beautiful, flat trails! Thursdays all year, $2.00 per person donation appreciated, call 716-825-6397 to confirm walk will be taking place.
Winter Family Fun Chestnut Ridge Park, “Winter Fun,” 6121 Chestnut Ridge Road, Orchard Park NY 14127, Winter sports enthusiasts and families spice up the cold winter months with tobogganing, sledding, snowboarding, snow shoeing, cross-country skiing (ungroomed), hiking, and snowmobiling on designated trails, Toboggan chutes operated from 10am – 4pm weekends and holidays, and Fridays from 4pm – 8pm (weather permitting), Sled hill open daily from 10am – 8pm, 858-8513 for updates.
Women’s Support Groups, hosted by Child & Family Services Haven House, for victims of domestic violence, meets 5:30-7 pm Tuesdays in Cheektowaga, 6-7:30 pm Thursdays in Southtowns; 10:30 am-noon Thursdays in Buffalo. For meeting locations or more info: 884-6005.
Yoga Classes, Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 6am, and Thursday evenings at 5:30pm, Jada Blitz, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 568-9057, eguize.jadablitz@gmail.com, www.jadablitz.com.
Zumba Classes, Mondays and Wednesdays 7:15-8:05pm, Jada Blitz, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 568-9057, eguize.jadablitz@gmail.com, www.jadablitz.com.