Exercise Classes, TRX Trek Saturdays, 11:15am, This face paced class includes powerful core TRX Suspension training exercises with timed interval cardio drills. This class is guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping so you burn mega calories while you are engaging in a fun body conditioning class! No more boring cardio sessions for you! 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Variety HIIT Saturdays, 10am, Every Saturday – Alternate periods of extremely high-intensity exercises with short rest periods which consist of strength based movements using body of free weights. This class will require that you push yourself as hard as you can having limited recovery. We will move! 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Operation Bootcamp Saturdays, 10am, The Blitz Force Bootcamp includes elements from each of our Military branches; it is designed to be an intense full body workout that focuses on building core strength and muscle while improving agility and testing your limits. To be included with the use of dumbbells, power racks and TRX we will be utilizing weighted ammunition cans, tractor tires and MMA movements to elevate the workouts to a new level. Blitz Force also uses its members to add a key element in successful missions teamwork. This element is also found in obstacle and mud runs, so bring a battle buddy and experience our unique team based exercises. Although this is an intense bootcamp modifiers can be utilized to allow all fitness levels to participate, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Blitz Body, Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, 9am-10am, Achieve great results in a limited amount of time. If you’re having trouble finding space in your schedule for a daily workout, our Blitz Body Boot Camp combines strength training, cardiovascular programs, and nutritional guidance. We give you a fast-paced workout so you can achieve maximum results in minimum time, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Operation Boot Camp Tuesdays, 6:15-7:25pm, Every Tuesday! The Blitz Force Bootcamp includes elements from each of our Military branches; it is designed to be an intense full body workout that focuses on building core strength and muscle while improving agility and testing your limits. To be included with the use of dumbbells, power racks and TRX we will be utilizing weighted ammunition cans, tractor tires and MMA movements to elevate the workouts to a new level. Blitz Force also uses its members to add a key element in successful missions teamwork. This element is also found in obstacle and mud runs, so bring a battle buddy and experience our unique team based exercises. Although this is an intense bootcamp modifiers can be utilized to allow all fitness levels to participate, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Abs with Adam Tuesdays 7:15 – 7:45 pm, A great cardio workout combined with an intense abdominal sequence and stretching segment all in 30 minutes! Blast your core with various exercises that focus on upper abs, lower abs, and obliques. This class is a sure way to enhance and strengthen your core as well as overall athletic stability, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes, Trek Tuesdays, 7:15-8pm, ongoing and first class free, This face paced class includes powerful core TRX Suspension training exercises with timed interval cardio drills. This class is guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping so you burn mega calories while you are engaging in a fun body conditioning class! No more boring cardio sessions for you! 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes: Operation Boot Camp Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm, Every Thursday – The Blitz Force Bootcamp includes elements from each of our Military branches; it is designed to be an intense full body workout that focueses on building core strenth and muscle while improving agility and testing your limits. To be included with the use of dumbbells, power racks and TRX we will be utilizing weighted ammunition cans, tractor tires and MMA movements to elevate the workouts to a new level. Blitz Force also uses its members to add a key element in successful missions teamwork. This element is also found in obstacle and mud runs, so bring a battle buddy and experience our unique team based exercises. Although this is a n intense bootcamp modifiers can be utilized to allow all fitness levels to participate, Jada Blitz, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, Call 716-568-9057 or eguize.jadablitz@gmail.com, http://jadablitz.com.
Exercise Classes: Variety HIIT, Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm, Alternate periods of extremely high-intensity exercises with short rest periods which consist of strength based movements using body of free weights. This class will require that you push yourself as hard as you can having limited recovery. We will move! Jada Blitz, 4685 Transit Road, Williamsville, NY 14221, 716-568-9057, jadablitz.com, eguize.jadablitz@gmail.com.