By Zeeshan Hussain, M.D.

Why does your doctor order blood tests?

It is common for your primary care physician to order blood tests. Blood tests measure or examine cells, chemicals, proteins, or other substances in the blood, and help doctors diagnose and monitor diseases and conditions, such as diabetes and high cholesterol. They are also used to determine if a treatment for a disease is working, and to find out if your immune system is having trouble fighting infections. Blood tests provide you and your doctor with important information about your overall health.

While it can vary from patient to patient, the following blood tests are important:

A Lipid Panel test measures your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. To put it simply, your doctor wants to make sure that your good cholesterol (HDL) is high, and your bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides are low.

A Complete Blood Count (CBC) is one of the most commonly ordered tests, and for good reason. Your blood cells tell a lot about your health. A CBC test lets you and your doctor know if you are having any issues with infections or inflammation.

Blood Glucose. While a blood glucose test will inform you and your doctor about your body’s current glucose levels, an HbA1c provides your average blood sugar levels over the past three months. If you are healthy, your blood glucose should be checked at least once a year; however, people with diabetes may need it checked often as four times a year.

Zeeshan Hussain, M.D. is a primary care physician accepting new patients at Buffalo Medical Group at 85 High Street in Buffalo. See to learn more. Call 716-656-4471 to make an appointment.