by Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg, DDS

Suffering from sleep apnea can impact all aspects of life. Patients we see who are diligent with their treatment plans tell us they are grateful and that their lives have changed. Certain habits can make sleep apnea worse. If you have one of these habits, adjusting your behavior can make a significant difference in how you feel.

Screen Time Right Before Bed
Engaging with electronics (phone, tablet, or TV) close to bedtime can affect your sleep. While screen time may seem relaxing, it actually has the opposite effect, causing your brain to become stimulated. To quiet your mind and body to get the sleep you need, try turning off electronics at least thirty minutes before you plan to go to sleep.

Eating Close to Bedtime
Between work schedules, sports, and family activities, it may be difficult to eat an early dinner. However, eating a meal too close to bedtime makes it difficult to digest your food properly, leaving you feeling too full and uncomfortable to fall asleep.

Overconsumption of Alcohol
If you suffer from sleep apnea, you should be careful about how much, and how long, you are drinking. Alcohol is best consumed in moderation. Drinking alcohol too late at night also interferes with your sleep.

If you have any habits that are impacting your quality of sleep, we can help you. We are happy to provide sleep apnea and TMJ-related treatments to patients throughout Western New York and Canada who are seeking relief. Visit, or call us in Buffalo at 716-219-0770, or in Rochester at 585-730-6153 to schedule an appointment.