SonoCiné Automated Whole-Breast Ultrasound

By Annette Pinder

If breast health is a concern for you, you may want to learn about whole-breast ultrasound by SonoCiné (AWBUS). AWBUS is renowned for being an advanced breast screening tool that has proven to be better at detecting breast cancer. Whereas routine mammography misses about one-half of cancers in women, AWBUS’ soundwaves can detect even the tiniest 3mm-sized tumors (less than 1/8 of an inch).

Dr. Leonard Kaplan strongly recommends that women ages 40 and older at average risk add an AWBUS screening to their annual mammogram. He says it is particularly important for women with dense breasts, breast implants, or a family history of breast cancer, because AWBUS finds cancers often hidden in higher-risk women. “More than 50% of women in their 40s have dense breasts, and are four to five times more likely to be incorrectly diagnosed with mammography alone,” says Dr. Kaplan.

“The AWBUS screening device uses ultrasound to scan the whole breast, including the underarm lymph nodes,” explains Dr. Kaplan. Patients wear a camisole to prevent the breast from shifting, and lie facing upward with a wedge placed below their back. The robotic arm of the transducer moves over the area to obtain clear, high-resolution images, and a video that better determines the presence of cancer. If found, the tumor’s precise location, size, and outline is captured.

Noting that AWBUS is 96 to 100% specific in detecting breast cancer, Dr. Kaplan reminds patients that, “When a breast tumor is small and in an early stage, it is more easily treated, and lifesaving.”


Leonard Kaplan, DO is founder of OWM Integrative Wellness (OWM). Learn more at, or call 716.626.6301 today to schedule your breast screening.