Can you give your dog or cat aspirin?
Compliments of PetPlan Blog


Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) remedy for pain relief, fever reduction, and clot prevention. You may be tempted to give it to pets with similar symptoms, but they are toxic to and life-threatening to our furry companions. 

When aspirin or any NSAID is ingested by a dog or cat, it blocks certain enzymes from maintaining normal stomach and intestinal functions, blood flow to kidneys, and allows platelets to form a clot. This can lead to nausea and diarrhea, stomach and intestine ulcers and bleeding, kidney injury or failure, and reduced clotting ability. Cats are especially sensitive to NSAID poisoning because it stays in their system for a longer period of time. 

Common symptoms of aspirin toxicity include vomiting or vomiting blood, abnormal appetite, belly pain, diarrhea, black tarry or bloody stool, elevated body temperature, respiratory changes, abnormal drinking or urination, lethargy, tremors, seizures, collapse, and even death. If you suspect your pet has consumed a NSAID, it is an emergency and need to take your pet to the nearest veterinary hospital or emergency veterinary clinic immediately!

Treatments for NSAID toxicity include in-hospital monitoring and intensive nursing care,

decontamination of the stomach and intestines, medications and procedures to protect and reduce severity of damage to red bloods cells, kidneys, and other organs.

To prevent accidental ingestion of NSAIDS, never administer over the counter or prescription medication to your pets. If your veterinarian advises one, stick to the recommended brand/product and dose. Keep all medications inside secure, chew-proof containers, stored tout of reach or in a separate room from your pets. Take your own medications in a separate room from your pets so they don’t try to snatch up any fallen pills.