By Debbie Davis, CEO Atwal Eye Care.

Are you are experiencing cloudy or blurry vision, halos around lights, faded colors, or glare? If so, you could have cataracts.

Many people don’t realize that cataracts are a natural part of the aging process. Often, they are unaware of the fact that cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss for individuals ages 45 and older, and the principal cause of blindness worldwide.

A cataract is a clouding of the natural, clear lens of the eye that helps focus light and images on the retina. As the clouding changes the clarity of the lens, you will begin to experience reduced vision that impacts your ability to perform routine daily activities. You will also find that the glasses you have been wearing are not as effective. It is at this point that cataract surgery may be recommended.

Cataract surgery is performed on an outpatient basis. It is safe and effective, and involves removing the clouded lens and replacing it with a clear, artificial lens. With significant improvements in technology, we now offer a range of options for cataract surgery. These include laser assisted cataract surgery and a variety of lens implant options to give you a full range of vision after cataract surgery. These options can reduce or even eliminate the need for glasses after cataract surgery.

If you would like to learn more about today’s options for cataract surgery, come to an upcoming lunch and learn presentation at Atwal Eye Care. Visit, call 716-896-8831, and watch an upcoming television presentation about cataract surgery on either Wednesday, September 28 at 8:00 pm or Saturday, October 2 at noon on Channel 5 or 67. See page 36 for show listings.