What Dogs Are Saying to Humans and Other Dogs

Courtesy of Niagara Frontier Veterinary Society

What’s all that barking? High-pitched barks may be welcoming, while deep barks may be your dog issuing an alert. A bark along with a wagging tail usually spells happiness. A dog that is crouching with an angry bark, and hackles up, can indicate your dog is feeling fear or aggression.

What does a staring contest mean? When dogs stare at each other, they’re engaging in a power struggle that won’t end until one or the other breaks the gaze. It is possible for a fight to occur. Dogs are perfectly comfortable breaking eye contact with humans. It even indicates a comfortable rapport between a dog and its person.

Do dogs talk to us? Even with a limited vocabulary, dogs communicate with us. Despite not being verbal, they “speak” using whines, sounds, and combine those sounds with their own body language.

Do dogs like it when we talk to them? Yes! Puppies and adult dogs are attentive to the high-pitch voice we use with babies and the more even-toned language used with adults.

What does a dog’s body language say? Dogs use movements and sounds to let each other know what they are feeling and what they want. Their body language includes tail carriage and motion, ear and eye position, posture, movement, and facial expressions. If a dog’s ears are raised, he’s relaxed or listening. If they are back, he might be signaling submission. If your dog is happy or wants to play, he may pull his lips back and show his teeth in what appears to be a smile. This gesture is reserved only for human/dog communication; dogs don’t do this between each other.

Why the sighs? Most of the time, dogs sigh when they are sleeping or feeling relaxed. They will also sometimes sigh when they are bored or upset about something. Of course, dogs will sigh if they have learned that sighing gets their owner’s attention.

What sounds do dogs make when they are happy? Dogs communicate pleasure, happiness, excitement, and affiliation through their vocalizations. The most common sounds of pleasure are moans and sighs, but dogs also whine and growl to communicate happiness. Low-pitched moans are very common in puppies and are signs of contentment.

How do dogs say I love you? If your dog jumps for joy when you arrive home, that’s a pretty clear indication that he is happy to see you. If she licks your hands and face, brings you her favorite toy, or even excitedly lets out a little pee when you get home from work, it’s safe to say that she loves you.

The Niagara Frontier Veterinary Society is comprised of 75+ small animal hospitals and 220+ practitioners in Erie and Niagara counties. The society advances public awareness and understanding of appropriate and compassionate pet health care, veterinary services, and the veterinary profession.