To protect the health of the WNY community, Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo’s annual Walk is now a VIRTUAL Memorial Walk, complete with virtual weekly challenges to keep you active, motivated, and spread some positivity during this time of uncertainty, #EveryStepOfTheWay.

“Why Do I Walk?”

Before Chrissy met her husband Arthur, her only memory of Hospice was when her grandmother passed hours after she was brought to Hospice. Arthur became ill, and at the age of 32 was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He and Chrissy decided to call Hospice Buffalo. After 6 months of loving care, Arthur passed peacefully April 28, 2018, surrounded by his loved ones and care team.

Two weeks later, Chrissy and twenty-five of her friends and family formed a team for the 2018 Hospice Memorial Walk, raising over $3,400! Today, not only has her outlook on hospice changed, but she has become a true ambassador for Hospice.

“If we didn’t have Hospice, I wouldn’t have had the quality time I did with Arthur. Hospice is not a place to go because you’re dying, but to go to enjoy the time you have left with your loved one,”
Chrissy said. “It’s really important to give back to Hospice – everyone will need it someday…there is so much more they can offer.” 

Read Chrissy’s full “Why Do I Walk” story online.

How You Can Participate and Help Spread Positivity: