Getting through COVID-19 Phases Safely 
What’s Right for You? 

By Annette Pinder

Western New Yorkers have done well in reducing the number of COVID-19 cases in our region. However, seeing the escalation of the virus in many other states reinforces our need to remain vigilant in fighting this virus while we await a treatment or vaccine.

But what is safe in terms of activities in which we engage? Is it the same for everyone? Dr. Gale Burstein, Commissioner of the Erie County Health Department, says, “It is everyone’s individual responsibility to make decisions based on what they think is best for them. Looking at the big picture, we already know what works. People need to wash their hands frequently, wear masks, practice safe physical distancing, minimize their time spent in public, choose small outdoor gatherings rather than indoor gatherings, and clean frequently touched surfaces at home.” She also cautions people against drinking too much alcohol, which can impair a person’s judgment.

Dr. Burstein offers some helpful resources for those seeking additional guidance in making their decisions offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New York State Department of Health. These include:

Help for Daily Life Coping 

People Who Need Extra Precautions, Caring for Others, and More

Community, Work and School Guidance including Risks at Restaurants and More

Enjoying Life Safely Overview