While thinking about how my daily life choices impact my overall health and joyfulness, I came across the website lifehacks.org and found some great suggestions I thought I’d pass along.

Decide what’s important to you. Whether it’s caring for your children, working on your career, volunteering, or writing a book, deciding how you want to spend your time is empowering.

Take more risks and keep an open mind. We make choices daily. We decide whether to go out with friends or stay home, to change jobs, or read a book someone suggested. Staying open helps expose us to new and possibly inspiring experiences.

Show appreciation for those you care about. Complimenting your child, friend, partner, or colleague lets them know they are appreciated. It also generates good feelings.

Live in the present. There’s really nothing else in front of us than the present moment. Remembering that helps free us from worrying about the past or future.

Ignore negative people. Everyone has naysayers in their lives. Create boundaries to prevent those people from affecting your self-love and confidence, and spend time with those who appreciate you.

Trust your instincts. When making choices, tune into your own values and follow what’s best for you.

Be kind. Practicing kindness helps others feel appreciated, makes it more likely that they will be kind to others, making the world a better place.

Here’s to a joyful, healthy, and inspiring July.