Tips for Women’s Mental Health Wellness

Women face numerous challenges in their personal and professional lives, often feeling the need to put on brave faces and act strong in various situations. This can slowly chip away at women’s mental wellness. To feel more balanced, it may be necessary for women to identify ways to improve and protect their well-being. The following lifestyle strategies can help.
- Get ample rest. Give yourself permission to rest when you need it, and don’t feel guilty for not being productive. Realize that time you devote to yourself is actually helping you be more productive.
- Consider meditation. Meditation can help soothe the mind and body. For some, this means listening to soothing music or joining a yoga class where you can learn to breathe deeply. Try experimenting with what works for you.
- Exercise regularly. Women’s Care™ says exercising regularly helps maintain mental health. Exercise is known to produce the same mood-boosting benefits of prescription medications used to treat mental health conditions.
- Make friends. Socialization helps people feel less isolated and alone. Participating in activities with others and gaining new connections is great for improving mental health.
- Participate in activities you enjoy. Make time for activities that fuel hobbies or interests.
- Eat healthy foods. Certain foods may contribute to body inflammation which can affect mood, and increase risk for certain conditions. Choose foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene, which all help to improve function of the brain and nervous system.
- Learn about hormones. Fluctuating hormone levels during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause are risk factors for various mental health conditions. Speak with a doctor about ways to stabilize your hormones.
Prioritizing practices that foster well-being can also contribute to improved mental health.