By Susan Bianchi

When a power outage strikes, having a reliable source of electricity can mean the difference between comfort and chaos. While portable generators are a common solution, automatic backup generators offer numerous advantages that make them the superior choice for homeowners seeking safety, convenience, and efficiency.

Safety First: Carbon Monoxide Risks.

The American Red Cross highlights the fact that permanently installed automatic backup generators are a safer option compared to portable generators. Portable generators pose a significant risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, especially if used improperly or in enclosed spaces. Automatic generators, which are installed outside your home, are designed to eliminate this hazard, providing peace of mind during power outages.

Convenience: Always Ready, No Hassle.

Automatic backup generators start within seconds of a power outage, ensuring uninterrupted power without the need to haul a generator outside or run extension cords throughout your home. They operate seamlessly, providing 24/7 protection, whether you’re at home or away. Once utility power is restored, they shut off automatically, eliminating the need for constant monitoring. In contrast, portable generators require manual setup, regular refueling with gasoline, and can only power appliances that are connected via extension cords. This process can be time-consuming and impractical, especially during severe weather or extended outages.

Cost and Fuel Efficiency.

Automatic generators run on natural gas or liquid propane (LP), which are more cost-effective and efficient compared to gasoline. Natural gas and LP are supplied continuously, so there’s no need for frequent refueling, unlike portable generators which require constant attention and gas refills. This steady fuel source ensures that your generator can run through long outages, providing reliable power for days or even weeks.

Powerful and Comprehensive Coverage.

Automatic backup generators are connected directly to your home’s electrical circuit breaker box, allowing them to power essential systems like heating, air conditioning, refrigerators, and medical devices. Popular models, such as those by Generac, can produce up to 26kW of power, enough to run an entire home. This is particularly important for high-load appliances like central air conditioners and electric water heaters, which are beyond the capacity of most portable generators.

Durability and Longevity.

Unlike portable generators, automatic backup generators are designed for extended use and require only routine maintenance, such as periodic oil and filter changes. With features like overload protection, they are built to handle heavy loads without compromising performance.

Professional Installation and Customization.

Installing an automatic generator involves preparing an outdoor site, connecting the unit to a natural gas or LP line, and integrating it into your home’s electrical system. Companies like Gen-Tech offer free in-home assessments to determine the best solution tailored to your needs and budget, ensuring a seamless installation experience.

The Bottom Line.

Generac home backup generators are the most cost-effective on the market. Call Gen-Tech at 716-648-7208 to schedule a free in-home assessment and receive a customized quote for your home generator needs. To learn more visit