Millions of people are affected by eating disorders, which can be life-threatening illnesses. The National Eating Disorders Association says there has been unprecedented growth of eating disorders over the last 20 years, and research into this medical condition continues to be under-funded.

The pressures to remain thin and fit continue to be profound and problematic, spurring new generations of people to develop poor body image perceptions and behaviors.

Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa are perhaps well known, but the “eating disorder” classification also encompasses other conditions. These can include binge eating, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder – or ARFID, and “diabulimia,” which is a deliberate insulin underuse in people with type 1 diabetes for the purpose of controlling weight.

To shed further light on these conditions, which are often hidden, here are some eye-opening statistics and information, courtesy of data culled by both NEDA and the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD).

  • At least 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the United States.
  • Cardiovascular impairment is one of the primary symptoms of eating disorders, as consuming fewer calories than one needs can break down muscles in the body — including the heart.
  • Purging depletes the body of important chemicals called electrolytes, which play a role in maintaining heartbeat and muscle contraction.
  • Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.
  • Food restriction and purging by vomiting interferes with the ability of the stomach to empty normally, which can affect the digestion of nutrients. This can lead to bacterial infections, blocked intestines from undigested food, and bloating.
  • Binge eating can cause the stomach to rupture, leading to potentially life-threatening circumstances.
  • Both malnutrition and purging can cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas.
  • ARFID goes beyond “picky eating.” Children do not grow out of it and frequently become malnourished because of the limited variety of foods they will consume.
  • About 38% of females and 16% of males with type 1 diabetes exhibit behaviors indicative of eating disorders.
  • Based on diagnostic interview data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, the average age of onset for binge eating disorder was 21, and 18 for both bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa.

Anyone with a loved one who they suspect has an eating disorder should contact a family physician for immediate assistance.