Compliments of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo 

 Lack of time in the day to get enough done is a common lament, with little time for daily exercise. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity. Moderate intensity boils down to about 21 minutes per day, which is manageable, even for those who are busiest. To that end, here are some ways busy people can get the exercise they need.

Wake up early. Start your day 30 minutes early, putting workout gear out the night before. When the alarm sounds in the morning, get up and out to the gym, or for a morning walk or jog around the neighborhood.

Use your lunch hour. Use a portion of your lunch break for exercise and eat your lunch afterwards. 

Engage in high-intensity workouts. High-intensity exercise regimens get the heart rate going, and with short 20- to 30-minute sessions. 

Recognize that exercise comes in many forms. Intense gardening, lawn care, home cleaning and improvement projects help work the body. Also, take the stairs rather than an elevator, or park further away for a lengthier walk.

Consider doing the “Daily 50”. This informal exercise routine can occur anywhere, and utilizes body weight to get the job done. It can include 50 squats, 50 lunges, 50 knee lifts, 50 wall push-ups, 50 crunches, or holding a plank position for 50 seconds.

Exercise as a family. Consider hikes, bike rides, or even kayaking to get moving.  

 Learn more about the extensive programs available to people of all ages at JCC’s Amherst and Buffalo locations at, or call 716-688-4033.