By Annette Pinder

A few years ago, during a routine eye exam, I was told that I would not likely require cataract surgery until I was 80. So last year, when I noticed my vision becoming cloudy, and I began to fear driving at night due to excessive glare, I made a follow-up appointment. Learning that the cataracts in both of my eyes had grown larger, I decided to research my options for cataract surgery. I called Atwal Eyecare, and asked for an appointment with Dr. Ephraim Atwal.

Prior to meeting with Dr. Atwal, my eyes were examined, measured, tested, and I completed a questionnaire about activities that were most important for me to be able to perform without glasses. I was especially pleased when Dr. Atwal told me during our meeting that he could accommodate my monovision. Monovision is a condition in which the dominant eye is corrected for distance vision and the other eye is left somewhat nearsighted so that both eyes work together to see at all distances without glasses. Confident I was in good hands, I scheduled the procedure for my right eye for the following week, and for my left eye two weeks after that. 

I arrived bright and early on the day of my surgery, pleased I could wear my own warm and comfortable clothing throughout the procedure. Dilation drops and local anesthetics were placed in my eye, and ready for the laser portion of the procedure — during which the cloudy lens is broken up. Although I was nervous, I was fully awake, and felt as though I was watching a psychedelic laser light show kaleidoscope of colors. It was actually pretty amazing.

After receiving a stronger dose of anesthetics, it was time for the next step. I don’t recall the operating room, but this is where Dr. Atwal made a small corneal incision in my eye using laser-assisted cataract surgery through which he inserted an intraocular lens (IOL) — the artificial lens that provides clarity to your vision. It was incredibly quick and painless. Next, I spent some time relaxing in the post-op area looking forward to my first cup of coffee of the day. I left for home, wearing a clear eye shield, with instructions to return the following morning. When my follow-up revealed that all was as it should be, I returned home again with instructions to use my eyedrops and wear the eye shield at night while sleeping for a week. Two weeks later when I returned for the removal of the cataract in my left eye, I was well-prepared and far less nervous. This time I could actually enjoy the laser light show.

Cataract surgery has come a long way, and IOL lenses are a game-changer. No longer do patients have the single choice of mono-focal lenses for distance vision only. They can now choose multifocal IOL lenses that make it possible to see at all distances, and toric IOL lenses that correct astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness. What is truly amazing is that I’ve never seen anything this clearly in my life. Colors are brighter, and seeing at all distances without glasses is liberating. The only downside? I see my own facial blemishes and wrinkles more clearly, too! I also cannot tell you how many times a day I tell people, “I love how I see!”

If you think you may have cataracts, or have been diagnosed with cataracts, call 716-896-8831 to make an appointment. Don’t wait! The difference is incredible and life-changing. Learn more at