Signs You May Have a Thyroid Problem

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck that produces the hormones that regulate your body’s metabolism. When the thyroid gland’s ability to do its job is compromised, the effects can be serious and lead to a host of symptoms that don’t go away.

Are all thyroid conditions the same? Thyroid conditions vary and produce their own distinct symptoms. The thyroid can be overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism). An overactive thyroid produces too much hormone, while an underactive thyroid doesn’t produce enough. Symptoms of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can overlap, but each condition has its own unique symptoms as well.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Signs of hyperthyroidism include fatigue, fast heartbeat, trouble concentrating, increased appetite, sweating, nervousness, restlessness, and unintentional weight loss.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism. Signs of hypothyroidism include fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, muscle weakness, brittle nails and hair, hoarse voice, and unintentional weight gain.

Most cases of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism cannot be prevented. For example, hyperthyroidism is often caused by Graves’ disease, an immune system disorder that’s most common among women. While rare, some peoples’ thyroids have become overactive because they consumed too many foods that contain iodine, such as table salt, fish, and seaweed.

While people may not be able to prevent thyroid conditions from developing, they can keep a watchful eye out for any of the above symptoms of overactive or underactive thyroid disease, and contact their physician. Fortunately, in most cases, thyroid disorders are not life-threatening, and can be managed with treatment. However, the outlook for people with thyroid conditions is always better when symptoms are reported early. Learn more at and