Supporting Students with Co-Occurring Mental Health and ASD Workshop
On Saturday, April 22, 2023 Autism Services, Inc. and the Autism Society Western New York are pleased to present our live virtual workshop, “Supporting Students with Co-Occurring Mental Health and ASD,” presented by Dr. Cathy Pratt, BCBA-D. Dr. Pratt, BCBA-D, is the Director of the Indiana Resource Center for Autism located at the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, Indiana’s University Center for Excellence in Disabilities. Most recently, Dr. Pratt has become the director of the Indiana School Mental Health Initiative. Dr. Pratt serves on numerous Advisory Boards, including the Advisory Boards of Map Services, Inc., the Temple Grandin/Eustacia Cutler Autism Fund, the Autism Society of Indiana and the College Internship Program. In the past, she served on the Board of the national Autism Society and is a Past Chair. Dr. Pratt also serves on the Panel of Professional Advisors and the Public Policy Committee for the Autism Society. She also served as a member of the expert working group on services and as a member of the public review committee for the Research Roadmap of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee and in 2010 was invited to the White House to provide feedback on the president’s initiatives on autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Pratt has been honored by the Autism Society with the Individual Achievement Award, with the 2005 Princeton Fellowship Award, and with various awards through NYFAC (New York Families for Autistic Children, Inc.), including recognition from the United States House of Representatives. She writes and presents internationally on the following topics: autism spectrum disorders, ASD and co-occurring Mental Health, functional behavior assessment/positive behavior supports, applied behavior analysis, instructional approaches, evidence-based practices, systems change, and policy.
Individuals on the autism spectrum are at an increased risk of co-occurring mental health conditions and even suicide. This presentation will focus on the following:
- Potential mental health conditions and the warning signs of suicide.
- Needed support in classroom and home situations.
- The impact on behavior and how to assess.
- Behavior and other strategies that are most beneficial.
- The role and impact of trauma.
- Strategies for supporting emotional regulations, and
- Potential community supports.
This workshop is geared towards individuals with ASD, parents, and professionals.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that we will be offering ASHA CEU credit through the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Western New York (SHAWNY), and New York State Education Department Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy State Board Approved Continuing Competency Hours for OTs/COTAs/PTs/PTAs through Associated Physical and Occupational Therapists, PLLC (APOT)! Both SHAWNY and APOT are co-sponsors of this workshop. Dr. Pratt is generously offering continuing education credits to BCBAs at no additional cost. The cost and CEU credit information are listed below:
Please note that all webinar materials (i.e. registration links, handouts, continuing education credit forms/survey links, etc.) will be e-mailed to attendees approximately 1-2 days prior to the workshop. If you have a PayPal account, the e-mail associated with that account will be used for all correspondence including Zoom links and all webinar materials. This is a live event and will be broadcast in Eastern Standard Time.
Online registration is now available at Please note that as this is a virtual event there will be no mail-in registration. The deadline to register is April 19, 2023. No refunds after 4/12/23. Thanks and we hope to see you there!