A Chronic Pain/Fibromyalgia Support Group is established at First Baptist Church, 591 Porterville Road, East Aurora, NY 14052. The meetings run from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., and we meet regularly on the third Saturday of each month. Facilitators are Sue Allen, Retired RN; Rev. Dr. Barbara Hulsing; and Diane Weston, MA. Meetings will also be available via Zoom.
According to the CDC, during 2021, an estimated 20.9% of US adults (51.6 million persons) had chronic pain, and 6.9% had high-impact chronic pain. One doesn’t have to look far to see friends, family, and folks in the community who are struggling with pain. Not just temporary pain that will be gone in a few days, but pain that just won’t go away!! When pain lingers, it becomes much more than a physical ailment. Additional bothersome symptoms may include anxiety, social isolation, depression, fatigue, misunderstanding, loss of independence, grief, even spiritual distress. One’s pain does not only impact the individual but also those around him or her. Family and friends may find it difficult to understand another’s physical pain.
The purpose of a Pain Support Group includes, but is not limited to,
- Promoting optimal wellness of body, mind, and spirit.
- Sharing and caring support.
- Personal stories.
- Professional input.
- Learning about causes.
- Recognizing symptoms.
- Obtaining proper diagnosis.
- Dispelling stigma.
- Understanding treatments.
- Learning to de-stress.
- Practicing relaxation techniques.
For further information, call Sue at (716) 697-1657, Barbara at (716) 574-0164, or Diane at (716) 544-0954.